Written by Liat Nava Aliya © 

Have you ever felt uncomfortable being in a particular place or with people where your stomach is tense and you get that “I feel I should not be here”
This is your inner voices’ way of telling you to move on or get out or it’s not the right time to be here.  For me it had a lot to do with self doubt.  Doubt the self and the inner feelings and you are likely to find that there is a valuable lesson coming up in listening to your inner voice. NEVER DOUBT YOURSELF.  I recently got all my 10 fingers and 10 toes burnt for not following my own inner voice and divine guidance. 

Your seat of clairsentience (divine feeling) is in the solar plexus area, your seat of power area.  When this knots up and you feel tense, more than likely you are coming into contact with beings that are negative or an area  or person or persons that is sucking your energy or power from you and by you being there is just what happens. Learning to listen to your inner voice includes knowing what is going on in your energetic field.  This is an easy process once you know how.  Just don’t let the head get in the way and tell you that “you are being silly”. Your inner voice and clairsentience is your higher self communicating to you loud and clear and trying desperately to get your attention which the head is desperately trying to avoid. 

Part of the awakening process is learning to listen to the inner guidance that IS NEVER WRONG, not for you.  All the advice from your friends is just not going to do it.  Oh you can talk about it, but the very best advice is going to come from you to you.  Sit quietly in a place where you can connect firstly with your heart to the core of mother earths heart, and through your crown to father sky, and surround yourself with the Elohims golden shaft of light. Call in your angels who are assisting you, call in the Ascended Master or any being of light that is able to assist you with your particular problem or request, and they willingly assist with unconditional love, but most important, call in your higher self to assist you.  And for once just sit and listen, clear your mind.  Ask that the answer come to you in the most perfect divine way just for you and ask for signs along the way that the answer is coming.  Be open to the receiving of this guidance.  I always ask for feathers. And they come.  NEVER BE AFRAID TO ASK SPIRIT FOR ANYTHING, they love assisting.

 Do not be surprised if the answer comes in an indirect way, for spirit has vision and the answer or guidance needed just for you can come in the form of being guided to a particular book, or movie, or you may find someone may just come up to you and say that “I just have to tell you this”.

So do not short change yourself in receiving the guidance.  Be open and attentive to the voice of spirit for it comes in wonderful ways for spirit is never boring and always full of passion.

 The earth is a changing place, changing into a wonderful place of light and it is through our hearts that we have to learn to listen to ourselves. Always ask the question;  WHAT IS MY HEART SAYING, and you will find that it is never wrong, for the heart is the place of divine guidance.  The head is the place of human reasoning and always challenges divine guidance until you have worked out the issues that need healing over that which you need guidance.

 “Follow your heart and it will take you on a journey to a star” 

Liat Nava Aliya  ©