
Greetings beloved one

Channelled by Liat Nava Aliya (AUSTRALIA, BYRON BAY) www.abouttheheart.org.za

This is Ascended Master Abu Myra and Ascended Master Hara Maya Council of 9, City of Light Andromeda


We are the elders of The Council of Light City of Light Andromeda. We identify ourselves as such from this dimensions of pure love and higher consciousness.

Liat has done much light grid work since the 02-05-02007. This has opened gateways and portals of light where none previously existed. This brings to earth a vastly increased spectrum of light flowing in from the dimensions 6 to 12. As this was done heaven celebrated in unison at this work. The Middle East, Asia, Africa have the gift of much needed light. The activities presented there now by the dark forces come to light now and humanity living all over the world cry for peace. IT IS HEARD.

We celebrate in chorus on all Rays of Light. We celebrate this on all levels of vibration and colour. We welcome ”New Earth” to the realm of ascended planets of “The Blue Ray”. We know there are many on earth that still need to awaken. Know on a higher level that each has chosen a path. Each has the power to change that path. Each has the choice of free will. As many that want to ascend with this planet will do so.

The cataclysmal even of First Contact will change much on this planet. The dark will have to face their own inner light. It will become their own 11th hour.

No one is excused from inner work needed on the self. We channel this to Liat time and time again because many lightworkers have felt they could “RIDE THE WAVES OF ASCENSION”. We advise that this is not advised and the inner work will have to be done whether it be now, or with First Wave, Second Wave or Third Wave.

The more work done now beloved ones paves the way for a most glorious time. Because those of you that ascend with first wave will be instrumental in aiding humanity and working with us.

This is a choice beloved ones. Riding the wave will not aid mother earth in her quest, nor you, for it will hold you back, as you hold back so it brings an old energy with it. All those who have been feeling that not enough has been accomplished or are frustrated, we advise that you request us to remove those negative “filters” from your energy field. For they are no longer needed.

This clearly places you firmly and on the inner peace path.


Come and bring yourselves to the Temple of Light and Sound and stand in the sacred circle. Here your master guides, the masters of The City of Light Andromeda join you in a sacred circle of support.

Bring in the BLUE RAY OF LIGHT from the heavens and into your heart and ground this ray into the heart of MOTHER EARTH.

Now request that the sacred geometry that you need for this path of Ascension to be placed in your etheric fields. We ask you now to expand your AURA with no limit to the size. This aids your expanded energy fields so that you cannot feel contained within a “feeling of being trapped”.

The completion of this phase of earth ascension is now continuing. The parallel energies presented on earth representing lower dimensional frequencies and those of higher frequencies will continue to cause disturbances in the chaos around you. By aligning yourselves, your emotional, mental, lightbody and MerKaBa to these higher frequencies means that lower frequencies bypass you completely. This can only be attained with a constant attention to yourself. This is the reason we have guided you to continue the “INNER WORK” for it separates you into the realm of peace and ascension. This further frustrates all those operating from lower base frequencies. It aids them into looking deep within themselves to continue or to make the choice of light.

This time now is truly the time of inner reflection. The rewards are more than you realise. We advise you are not to sit back and “RIDE THE WAVE” for nothing comes from nothing and everything is to be gained from the satisfaction of the job well done.

We greet you from the City of Light Andromeda. We continue beaming vast rays of love and support.

The Council of 9 fondly bless you with love.

This is Ascended Master Abu Myra and Ascended Master Hara Maya.

Channelled by Liat Nava Aliya in AUSTRALIA, BYRON BAY www.abouttheheart.org.za